Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Photography Spotlight :: Pablo Arroyo & His Sleepless Men


A visit to photographer Pablo Arroyo’s site shows a recurring theme: restless men on beds. Messy beds. Cheap beds. The kind of beds you’d find in a low-budget hotel room or dorm. The sheets hardly cover the mattress. There is no rest on this bed. I find this utterly fascinating.



+ more Pablo Arroyo | Photography Spotlights

1 comment:

Richard said...

one final comment as i love some of the photos, but i feel sorry for this generation who were raised to be voyeuristic idiots. i say that -- since i NO LONGER listen to new madonna work and will NEVER listen to her new work as a creature that doesn't interest me. when people fuck up, it's best when they take accountability unlike the alcoholic on this production. but, i liked it when gay men had balls. when people are raised to be peeping toms, they should be able to handle when confronted by the person on the other side of the glass. if they want to make believe that they have done nothing wrong -- like madonna's idiotic new work -- they shouldn't whine about the state of africa, asia, the middle east, latin america, or other parts of the world, as they are the source of bullshit from colonialism to cultural ignorance and intolerance. i loved it when gay men had balls because in general they no longer hold account in their minds, hearts, or their pants like the alcoholic troll in the other room. thanks for the lovely photos, it would be wonderful if gay people were beautiful as before when it wasn't just representation on a flat page and had dimension in real life beyond peeping toms who cannot take responsibility for doing anything wrong. plenty of pussies. yes, plenty of pussies. thus, a revolution of such pronounced stupidity like the troll in the other room.