Friday, June 11, 2010

Snakes by Jean-Francois Carly



Snakes by Jean-Francois Carly



+ see more Jean-Francois Carly | Marko Brozic features


Richard said...

i came across so many garden friendly snakes when i was on wilderness trails. foraging in the forest is a manner of both source and natural -- just as the article reminder of sean hayes being in the closet during "will and grace" years....that seems surreal in a varied sense from some of these photos which can be beautiful, yet, in this day and age -- the closet, selfish, wasteful, pretentious, and hypocritical face of queer doesn't resonate with me, yet, perhaps digital allows this stupidity when being present in person would be easy but difficult if you are FAKE and thus "will and grace" and others would be a shining example of everything i don't like about gay men and the flaccid nature of prunes or prudes. cheers. have a beautiful weekend.

Karl Slater said...

this is amazing.. could be used for jewellery trends all over the world..
inspiring isn't the word..