Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cataclysmic Electricity by Sailey Williams



Cataclysmic Electricity is the name of the post-apocalyptic cover shoot for the fourth issue of XEX magazine, photographed by Sailey Williams and styled by Inoisell Miranda. The futuristic editorial draws inspiration from cult movie Teenage Caveman and features Click model Cameron Bailey and Major's Ruthie Pito.





Other credits : Mens Groomer: Blue Michael, Make-Up: Tina Georgy, hair: Griselle Rosario La Fontaine, shoot assitant: Jordan Llanes, Interior Designer: Cuoco Black, Location: MidCity Gym, NYC.



+ see Cameron by Rick Day | more Cameron | Sailey Williams | XEX features


Forbidden Light said...

Typically, I am a fan of the bizarre...but this is a mockery of the dark and avant-garde.

Photography in the hue of The Twilight Saga


Anonymous said...

I've always liked Cameron, so I'm inclined to like this.