Sunday, November 17, 2013

Colton Haynes by Eric Ray Davidson | Flaunt

Actor Colton Haynes is photographed by Eric Ray Davidson and styled by Yohanna Logan for Flaunt magazine.

1 comment:

Richard said...

UGLY. once you had more images that were approaching beauty but too many emtpy background shots like a soundtrack becomes vapid music for tugging at emotions but really being empty. perhaps, it's being around various components of fashion for 24 years, that i recognize how little pretty pictures deliver anything but shit to the world. aesthetically pleasing, but after several trips to LA + miami, ultimately, it never rises to the occasion beyond the negative stereotypes of artifice. alas, what to do with all of these uncle toms catering to junk?? where domestic violence is the subtext to these pretty pictures. thus, why pride has become such a joke and a project of 16 years has been the biggest turd EVER, but oh Lord, they take some pretty pictures to make the human condition look pretty when their ignorance and illiteracy have delivered primarily junk.