This is a peculiar new French ad campaign that started running in March 2010. It’s a PSA by France ADOT (Association pour le Don d'Organes et de Tissus humains) that encourages people to become organ donors. Their selling point? “It’s never too late to become a better person.” So if you have a tattoo that reads ‘God Hates Fags,’ make sure to register for the card, so you can die a better person…

The ads were photographed by Yann LePape for ad agency CLM BBDO / Boulogne Billancourt.

Interesting campaign - the great surprise is to see an ad campaign in France using English and symbols which only make sense in the Anglo-saxon word!
I believe the prints that run in the media (Metro) use French. Ad agencies usually use English for the their PR release versions since that's a more universal language with a better chance of being picked by the media and bloggers. I am not sure about the tattoo text itself though.
I'd rather see these hateful tattoos bisected by a full autopsy scar, but I guess that wouldn't actually make sense in this context. I can dream though . . .
Dumb idea.
Even a homophobic racist would be willing to donate an organ, as long as it saves the life of a straight white person.
To work, it would have to show a homophobe helping a gay person, or a white supremacist helping a black person.
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